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Chapter Philanthropy

Uniquely, in the Epsilon Upsilon Chapter, we have the opportunity to go to an elementary school, Parkdale, weekly and read to their second graders. This opportunity allows Baylor Kappa to create bonds with students in at-risk areas, giving them dreams of going on to college one day while also giving them role models to look up to. Along with Reading Is Fundamental, we are very involved in events around our campus and community. Each semester we do an event called Swing-A-Thon with a fraternity on campus that raises money for various causes in the Baylor, Waco, and global community. Every fall we host multiple Halloween carnivals in waco, including carnivals for Compassion Ministries and Parkdale. Each semester we host a Kendra Scott Trunk show event for RIF, raising hundreds of dollars every time! It is always our goal to help out in any way we can.